After having constructed what I had thought would be a vernal pool in the yard this spring. We have been delighted with the constant entertainment it has brought us and the increase in our bio-diversity is beyond all our expectations...
American Toads Bufo americanus Green Frogs Rana clamitans and Gray Tree Frogs Hyla versicolor have been seranading us over the last several months. Tadpoles soon filled the pool joined by various Hemiptera like Backswimmers, Water Boatman and Water Striders. Odonates including Common Whitetails Libellula lydia, Twelve-spotted Skimmers Libellula pulchella were soon joined by eastern Forktails Ishnura verticalis, Fragile Forktails Ishnura posita. and even Sedge Sprites Nahelana irene graced the nearby flower beds.
But life in the wild is about predators and prey a constant parade of winner and losers in the game of life... The other morning the dynamic shifted slightly in favor of the prey items of the frogs as a Great-blue Heron arrived just after dawn. Undaunted by my approach for a photograph the heron gobbled up many tadpoles and young frogs as I watched.
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